Mike Schlimgen, Deputy Regional Coordinator of our South Central Region, shares below about a recent Pancake Breakfast held for veterans and their families. You can view pictures from this great event at the bottom of the post.
Find the San Antonio/San Marcos, TX Program on Facebook at www.facebook.com/PHWFFSanAntonioSanMarcos/
All military branches of service were represented at our Pancake Breakfast for veterans and their families. Warm, sunny weather greeted the fifty plus folks that showed up for good food and fly fishing fun.
Our host, Chris George, arrived after his early morning duck hunt. Tips Turf Grass Farm has been our location to welcome disabled veterans to our PHWFF San Marcos program. We have a fly fishing clinic here for disabled veterans every Friday morning.
Texas State University students, led by Dr. Carl VanAacken, organized this amazing event, supported by Project Healing Waters Fly Fishing and Central Texas Fly Fishers.
An experienced team of fly fishing coaches taught fly tying and fly casting, plus they accompanied participants to the water to fish. Gordon Holt and Michael Brown reported 23 first time fly tiers, and Dan Houchin led the fly rod casting in the pecan bottom, next to the San Marcos river.
Kathy Smart was on hand to teach fly fishing to our female participants.
Milt Nielsen was honored for his many years of service as an Air Force pilot, Air Force Academy faculty, and TSU professor and campus leader and advocate for our veterans.
Jude Prather, our Hays County Veterans Service Officer, was on hand to help us congratulate Milt, and honor all of our veterans.