Bruce Giley, long-time Project Healing Waters Fly Fishing volunteer, shares a great article about a fantastic project done in-conjunction with Double Spur Outfitters in Star Tannery, Virginia
A team of Project Healing Waters Fly Fishing (PHWFF) veteran participants and volunteers from the National Capital Region just completed construction of an access pier/ramp at Double Spur Outfitters in Star Tannery, Virginia. The owner of Double Spur Outfitters, Mr Levi Pitcock is a strong supporter of PHWFF, hosting numerous outings, providing meals, and doing all he can in support of our disabled veterans. Double Spur keeps the Cedar Creek fishery well stocked and expertly managed for anglers throughout the trout fishing season, but river access has been a bit of a challenge for some anglers with limited mobility and the thought of a ramp has struck many as a good idea. When the idea was proposed to Mr. Pitcock, he said “go for it”!
“Team Cedar Creek” consisted of Dan Sheesley (Program Lead – Washington, DC program), Daniel Sutton (Quantico, Virginia veteran participant), and from the Fort Belvoir, VA program: Jason Holland (veteran participant), Chris Sparkman (volunteer), David Borostyan (volunteer), Rob Varela (volunteer) and Bruce Gilley (volunteer). The project took just under two days to complete where Friday was focused on staging the materials on-site and setting the pilings in concrete. That was about all we could do given the rain and time required for the concrete to set. Saturday was a much nicer day with plenty of sunshine. We finished digging, set all the pilings and had most of the frame completed by lunch time, then the decking went on without a hitch.
We are hopeful that the ramp will serve our veterans and the guests of Double Spur Outfitters for many years to come. Again, many thanks to the participants and volunteers from the National Capital Region for their efforts and a special thanks to our host, Levi Pitcock of Double Spur Outfitters for his continued support of Project Healing Waters Fly Fishing.