Week 1 went really well! We had over 35 people present as we tied the Hot Head Pheasant Tail Nymph.
Our week #2 Postfly is the Zebra Copper John Nymph. We’ll again stream on our PHWFF Northwest Region Facebook page, next Tuesday (29 April) at 1900 hrs. The fishing in the Pacific Northwest remains closed or access restricted, so tying & dreaming is still all we got.
Something we’d like to mention here and talked about in our tying event. Take some time and check on each other and the people in your Program. Use the “battle buddy” concept, lean on each other for support to get through these self isolation days we’re in…Never shall I leave a fallen comrade! Nuf Said…
Feel free to contact us at northwest@projecthealingwaters.org and we hope to see you at our next tie. It’s a good time, with a friendly group, and there’s always an active conversation going on in the comments, so…
Look up the recipe on how to make a “Seattle Dog,” grab a beverage, get the kit ready and/or download the materials required at our Facebook page, and join us!
Take a look at the virtual events calendar below!
With in-person program activities temporarily suspended due to the COVID-19 pandemic, our programs are hosting virtual meetings on Program Facebook Pages, YouTube, and Messenger Video Chats to stay connected. Our new resource page highlights virtual opportunities, a calendar of events, sign-up forms, and resources to empower programs with the information they need.
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Are you hosting a virtual event or interested in doing so? It’s easy! Just visit www.projecthealingwaters.org/virtualprogrammeetings and scroll down to enter your information. We aim to highlight your events to all those disabled veterans in-need throughout our Nation so they have the community and support they need during these uncertain times.