The veteran participants were treated to a day on the water to fish for steelhead, trout, and smallmouth bass. Assisting in the outing were 18 volunteers from the Kalamazoo Valley Chapter of Trout Unlimited as well as professional guides from the mid- and southwestern Michigan, and Schlotzky’s in Battle Creek who provided boxed lunches for those attending. Also joining the group were Midwest Regional Coordinator Rich Lobianco and Deputy Regional Coordinator Chris Jackson.
Muskegon River is a river in the western portion of the lower peninsula of the U.S. state of Michigan. The river has its headwaters in Houghton Lake in Roscommon County, flowing out of the North Bay into neighboring Missaukee County. From there it flows mostly southwest to Muskegon, Michigan, where it empties into Muskegon Lake. The river has accquired fame for it’s abundant fishery and wildlife, including otters, waterfowl, deer and eagles.
This particular trip was special as many of the veterans used flies they had tied themselves during classes at the Battle Creek VAMC. As many fly fishers will tell you, there is a tremendous sense of accomplishment that accompanies catching a fish with a fly you tied. A truly satisfying moment and something to be most proud of. Throughout the day, numerous fish were brought to hand – to include rainbow trout and smallmouth bass.
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