Four-times a year, River Sports Outfitters in Knoxville, TN sponsors a Pint Night to help raise money for the charities they have partnered with and to simultaneously provide a fun evening! River Sports Outfitters hosts an online voting system, open to the public, to help them determine the featured charities for Pint Night 2017. We’re proud to announce that Project Healing Waters Fly Fishing – Knoxville, TN Program is one of the 7 charities in-the-running for this great opportunity — so vote now and vote often!
Voting is live through Sunday, March 26th. 2017. All you need to do is go to and place your vote for Project Healing Waters Fly Fishing. You can vote every day until Sunday March 26, 2017 so share with your friends and keep voting. It’s an easy way to support this local PHWFF Program and the veterans it serves in the greater Knoxville community. Each Pint Night has the potential to raise over $1,200 for the veterans we serve