Veterans Day is an opportunity for all Americans to come together to celebrate our veterans’ strength and resilience; to help those veterans who need it; to honor them by creating new opportunities after their service; and to support them so they can continue making a profound difference in the world. At Project Healing Waters Fly Fishing, every day is Veterans Day.
Today is not for veterans alone – it is a day for all Americans to celebrate selfless service. Each day, we are privileged to work towards providing our veterans with the support and appreciation they earned through their service. Their legacy surrounds all Americans each day through our freedoms, in our public meeting places, the places we pray and play, and in the places we cast our lines or cast our votes.
We invite you to join us as we honor the millions of living veterans and recognize their great achievements. Today is a day to pause and reflect upon the millions of Americans men and women who served honorably in our military. They labored and fought on our behalf, and we continue to owe much to those who wear our Nation’s uniform and who stood watch on our behalf. Today is but one simple occasion for us to salute these noble sons and daughters of America.
Please take a moment today to thank a veteran for their sacrifices and to honor their service to our great Nation.