MAY 2 & 3, 2017
The Virginia Region Escatawba Farms outing will begin with an overnight stay at the Hampton Inn in Lewisburg, WV (30 Coleman Drive, Lewisburg, WV 24901) on May 2nd. Registered participants should arrive around 4:00 PM. We will have dinner at 5:00 PM. After dinner, there will be fly tying ( participants should bring their vise, tools & materials) and fishing tips for Escatawba Farms. On May 3rd, we will have breakfast around 7:00 AM and then head over to Escatawba Farms.
Escatawba Farms is loaded with good size to big rainbow and brown trout. The scenery is second to only a few. It is a classic freestone trout stream. The usual flies all work well but stock up on olive and black wooly buggers and golden retrievers in a variety of sizes because they almost always catch fish.