What better way to celebrate Valentines Day than with a lobster dinner delivered right to your doorstep? We are super excited to have partnered with GetMaineLobster.com this Valentines Day to bring you a very special offer. When you use the coupon code PHWLOVE55 at getmainelobster.com you’ll save 55% on your order AND $5 will go directly to our cause and the veterans we serve!
“We believe that our fondest memories happen around the dinner table with family and friends. To be cliché, we believe FOOD IS LOVE. Lobster unearths our primordial self; harvested by hand, delivered by hand, cooked by hand, enjoyed by hand. We look forward to serving you.” – Mark Murrell, GetMaineLobster
Where: GetMaineLobster.com
When: February 8 – February 15, 2018.
How: Use the coupon code PHWLOVE55 at check-out.
Why: Save 55% on your order AND have $5 donated to Project Healing Waters Fly Fishing
GetMaineLobster.com delivers the finest lobster and seafood Maine has to offer from the dock to your doorstep. For 7 years they have obsessed over delivering an unforgettable dining experience at home. Every morning, lobstermen/women brave the salty surf of the Maine coast in search of the finest lobster.