How Sweet It Was: Big Night at the Pond!
Volunteer Matt Seymour of our Coatesville, PA program checks-in with an update from this great program in our Pennsylvania Region below. You can stay in touch with the PHWFF Coatesville, PA Program by following their Facebook Page at
It was a perfect night for panfish. Never saw so many caught (and released) in two hours!
The 5 vets and 15 volunteers that came to the pond at Tel Hai ( were using everything from small poppers, mini muddlers, popper/nymph set-ups, foam bugs to tiny woolly’s. The catching was punctuated by trips to the hot dog grill (thanks chef Bob Klinger) and soda cooler.
Our host was volunteer Ray Horowitz , resident at Tel Hai . The pond is perfect. It surrounds an island from which we ringed the ole fish’in hole. Sunfish and small mouth bass galore. We estimate we collectively caught 40-60 fish that evening. This provided thrills and great experience for our first time fly casters!
Photo by Brandon:
Sad Farewell
Our good friend, vet Chris Luko, is on his way home .. and that’s good. But we’re going to miss his congeniality!
Ted Nawalinski, our Assistant Program Leader presents Chris with a fly tying kit and rod outfit – made possible by our benefactors.
Coatesville will miss him but Dave Riggio our Pennsylvania Regional Coordinator will be hooking Chris up to a Project Waters Program near his home in upstate PA! We never release a good catch like Chris if we can help it!
Coming Soon:
1. Tuesday May 14: fly tying demonstration, vet recruitment – Main Dining Hall 11-1PM.
2. Wednesday May15: Regular tying, rod building night at VAMC, Big. 5, bottom floor – 6-8PM
3. Wednesday May 22 : Fishing Outing on the Brandywine, details to follow.