The Gary Borger Chapter of Trout Unlimited, where Jeff serves as the Education Chair, will work in conjunction with the James A. Lovell Federal Health Center’s Recreation Department as well as TU Chapter, and, local area volunteers, to bring their love of the sport to the veterans.
Jeff is an Architect who specializes in the planning and design of healthcare facilities throughout the country and Canada. His projects have been recognized for design excellence and he holds three US Patents. Jeff has served as a board volunteer at the local, regional and national level in mentorship programs that focus on diversity in the design and construction industry. As a natural teacher, he also serves as a visiting design critic for a graduate level studio at the University of Illinois in Champaign.
Jeff grew up in Wisconsin and is a lifelong hunter and fisherman and visits his home state often. He also is a member of the Fieldworker’s Club and travels to Belize to fly fish and tag tarpon for scientific research in conjunction with the University of Miami and Dr. Jerry Ault.
Jeff lives in Arlington Heights with his wife Deb, who is also an architect, and their two children Liz, 22 and Connor, 20.