On May 30st, the Project Healing Waters Fly Fishing Anchorage, AK program sponsored their annual Green Lake Family Fishing Picnic. Everyone had a marvelous time at the rustic Chalet. Some participants and volunteers spotted several black bears on their way to and from the Chalet but we were fortunate this year and didn’t have to chase them off the property as we have done in previous years. The weather was perfect with just a light breeze so numerous participants stood on the fishing platforms and practiced casting. No mosquitoes either!
Bear crossing
Our chefs, Cindi, Leslie and Frank, prepared hamburgers, hotdogs and king salmon! Oh what a treat! Kids and adults feasted on cookies and fresh rhubarb cake, an Alaskan favorite.
Frank flipping burgers
Rick and Dave relaxing on deck
Thanks to everyone, volunteers and participants, who brought a dish to share. Also a special thanks to Dave Rooker who booked the Chalet for us.