Announcements, In The News
The 2nd Annual Broadmoor Invitational
The 2nd Annual Broadmoor Invitational was held on Monday June 10, 2018 at the historic Broadmoor Hotel’s Fish Camp. This special event brought together disabled veteran participants, volunteers and sponsors for a fun day of angling in the pristine waters of the Rocky Mountains and strengthened our efforts to reach even more disabled active military service personnel and disabled veterans in the Rocky Mountain Region and throughout the United States.
It was a truly special day thanks to the tremendous efforts and leadership of Gene Renuart, General, USAF (ret), the unwavering support of the Broadmoor Hotel, Jeppesen, the El Pomar Foundation, and all those whose great contributions and efforts provided a special day of healing to our participants. Project Healing Waters Fly Fishing thanks all of our friends who so generously supported this annual event and fundraiser and the many event sponsors who made it happen.

Our hosts provided outstanding guides and welcomed our disabled veterans with open arms. Located just 75 minutes west of the hotel, the Broadmoor Fish Camp is situated along a five-mile stretch of Colorado’s famed Tarryall River. This outstanding locale borders 120,000 acres of the Lost Creek Wilderness and offered attendees the opportunity to experience some of the best fishing in Colorado on more than five miles of private waters under the guidance and tutelage of professional Broadmoor guides.

This section of the Tarryall River flows through a diverse and spectacular landscape, ranging from timbered canyons to grassy meadows and winding bends, where our disabled veteran participants had the opportunity to fish for wild brown and brook trout. Also on site was a beautifully restored Main Lodge with a wraparound deck and seven rustic yet well-appointed guest cabins for their time off the water. The fishing was fantastic with both veteran angler and sponsor bringing countless wild trout to hand throughout the day. New friendships were made and the bonds of community were strengthened during the event. In addition to the
therapeutic benefits of angling, it is also through community and camaraderie that healing occurs. The 2nd Annual Broadmoor Invitational stands as a testament to the life changing benefits derived from powerful combination of community and angling.

It was a day of memories, celebration, and patriotism, and one not soon to be forgotten. Special thanks to: Jeppesen DataPlan Inc., The Renuart Group, El Pomar Foundation, The Anschutz Foundation, The Broadmoor, and Bryan Construction Inc for their tremendous charity and support of our programs and the disabled veterans they serve.