The Project Healing Waters Fly Fishing South Florida Program and The Herman Lucerne Memorial Foundation in cooperation with the U.S. Marine Corps Wounded Warrior Regiment, the Vantage Point Foundation, and the Veterans Administration will conduct the “Backcountry Purple Heart/Disabled Veterans Slam IV”, an annual two-day fishing venue, to be held August 12-14, 2019 at Everglades National Park, for 30 active duty/retired wounded and disabled veterans, in order to assist in their medical recovery and rehabilitation. These disabled veteran participants will be coming together to form a cadre of comrades and share in an adventure they will remember for years to come.
A day on the water with comrades who share the scars of battle can only reinforce the gains of medical treatment for the mind, body, and spirit of those who sacrificed so much. You can help support this remarkable annual event and provide a-lifetime experience for a veteran who has made great sacrifices for our nation.
Now in its 4th year, the Backcountry Purple Heart/Disabled Veterans Slam continues to bring wounded and disabled veterans together while also raising awareness and crucial funds for Project Healing Waters Fly Fishing programs in South Florida. For three days, the disabled veteran participants will fish and soak in the beautiful Islamorada and Everglades National Park with comrades and local professional guides who will treat them to an adventure gliding through skinny waters on shallow water skiffs, sight casting to every manner of species that inhabit the park, and exploring the waters of the backcountry. The event forms bonds among participants, volunteers, guides, and the park itself. Everglades National Park has a special healing power that transports the participants to a quiet and serine world were their troubles are left far and away.