Announcements, In The News, Press Releases
The 5th Annual PHWFF Fly Tying Competition has begun!
We’re excited to announce that the 5th Annual PHWFF Fly Tying Competition is underway! It’s way for our veteran participants to showcase the fly tying skills and creativity they have garnered from program classes and independent study in a casual, fun contest. This great annual program has grown each year since it’s inception in 2012 and we’ve been delighted and astounded to see the remarkable patterns and flies submitted from our Programs across the country. Already, some incredible flies have been tied by our talented veteran participants since the competition began on January 2, 2017 and there’s still a few months left! The 5th Annual Fly Tying Competition will conclude on September 15, 2017 and we can’t wait to see all the great flies still to be submitted!

With the 5th Annual Fly Tying Competition already underway, let’s dive-in and answer some of your questions:
Who is eligible? Only individuals who meet the definitions of a PHWFF participant are eligible to enter the competition.
How you do get involved? Contact your PHWFF Program Lead to apply, register and to begin submitting your flies for judging! Your Program Lead will also share the complete rules, regulations, and opportunities for this great annual competition.
When does the competition begin and end? The 5th Annual Fly Tying Competition began on January 2, 2017 and will conclude on September 15, 2017. All flies must be received for judging no later than September 22, 2017. Submissions from PHWFF Program participants are welcome throughout this time period — with all skill levels welcome and encouraged to participate in this fun annual competition.
Who are the judges? The flies submitted will be judged by a fly-tying panel comprised of PHWFF program volunteers, celebrity tiers, and professional tiers.
How are the flies scored? The flies are judged and scored based on 6 criteria which are: Color harmony, Scale and proportion, Use of materials, Technique, Proper thread use, and the Overall style of the fly. Each criteria will have a 10 point scale with ten being the highest. Like last year, there is only one judging category this year and veteran participants that need to use adaptive equipment can do so to assist with tying flies for submission. From the submitted flies, the judges will select a total of 5 finalists.
When are the finalists announced? By the end of the first week of October 2017 the five (5) finalists for the competition will be selected and notified.
When are the are the winners announced? The five finalists of the fly tying competition will all be invited to attend the International Fly Tying Symposium on November 11- 12, 2017 at the Marriott Hotel ballroom in Lancaster, Pennsylvania. All travel and lodging will be covered by PHWFF. While attending the two day symposium the finalist will demonstrate their fly tying skills at the PHWFF booth and will also have opportunities to attend the many free programs and fly tying demonstrations offered during the event. In addition to this, there will be an awards ceremony set up by PHWFF for the five finalists. During the awards ceremony it will be revealed who placed 1st, 2nd, 3rd and who the two honorable mentions are.
For more information on The International Fly Tying Symposium please go to their website at:
Are there prizes for the winners? Yes! There will be prizes for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place. The 1st place winner will receive a PHWFF Regal vice & fly tying tool kit. The 2nd place winner will receive just the PHWFF Regal vise. The 3rd place winner will receive a PHWFF tool kit.
We are eager and excited to see all the innovative, beautiful, and ‘fishy’ patterns submitted by our talented participants this year! All skill levels are welcome and encouraged to enter! For more information on the 5th Annual Fly Tying Competition, PHWFF volunteers and participants should contact their local Program Lead or Regional Coordinator

“This weekend was 100% the single-handed most fun I have had with my fly tying/ fishing experience yet.” – Jason Scrafford, Winner – 3rd Annual PHWFF Fly Tying Contest
Related: Meet the Finalists of the 4th Annual Fly Tying Contest
Related: Fly Tying Contest Finalists to Attend International Fly Tying Symposium This Weekend!
Related: Meet the Finalists of the 4th Annual Fly Tying Contest