Fly Fishing shows provide us an opportunity to share our mission and the work we do with the fly fishing community. It also provides the chance to network and recruit supporters for PHWFF at an entertaining and informative consumer show.
Volunteers from the Detroit area and members of the Battle Creek VAMC Program attended the 37th annual MidWest Fly Fishing Expo. This three day fly fishing only consumer show is a special event where fly-fishing enthusiasts, guides, and industry representatives gather. Visitors and other vendors stopped by to show their support of the program throughout the weekend. Many new contacts were made and new volunteers recruited. The group answered many questions about our program and provided information about our cause and mission. The group raffled off a TFO fly rod and offered numerous items (like PHWFF hats, pins, and fly boxes) for suggested donations. This was a great opporuntiy to network with fly shops, guides, and anglers. A highlight of the weekend was when the artist Derek DeYoung stopped by for a photo to show his support of our cause and the veterans we serve.