Outings and fishing are heating up throughout the country for Project Healing Waters Fly Fishing, Inc. programs!
The La Plata, Maryland program of PHWFF headed out to Rose River Farm in June and fish were caught by everyone, including a couple of monsters!
“It was a great day on Rose River Farm for the participants of the La Plata program,” Program Lead Larry Braswell said. “The weather was great and it was our biggest outing in over a year!”
This was La Plata’s first official out-of-state outing in over a year, due to the pandemic.
In all honesty, with all the stuff that happened last year, this outing was a huge breath of fresh air. Our veterans needed this.
Larry Braswell- Program Lead PHWFF La Plata
“Seeing the smiles on their faces when they catch something, or get a fish into the net, it’s just priceless,” Braswell said.
Braswell mentioned the most exciting time though is when participants catch something on a fly they tied, or a rod they built themselves.
“Last year at Rose River, one of the participants, Stu, caught a fish on his own fly and rod he built for the National Competition, and it was magical as hell.”
Besides the fishing, Braswell mentioned how amazing it is to watch the veterans’ worries wash away with the water.
“You listen to the stories they tell you, and everything they have been through, and all of a sudden, none of it seems to matter.”
Braswell would like to thank Douglas Dear of Rose River Farm for hosting them, and a special thanks to Denis Eichhorn for making the trip possible and Robert Traxler for his expertise and guiding assistance.
“This is exactly what our guys needed,” Braswell said.