They are also encouraging that local fly fishing enthusiast to display some of their crafts, whether it’s, Kick Ass Flies, Paintings of fly fishing, or just some nice crafts related to fly fishing. This work will be on display the whole month of May. They are also, willing to just display this fine work or they are willing except donations of fly fishing crafts for raffle or for sale. The artist can choose what will happen to their work. ***We are in desperate need of some Kick Ass Flies***** If interested in having your work displayed, or for Sale, or donated to the raffle, please send an image to Daphne Zencey at 802-863-6458 or
Also for the month of May we are hoping that we will be able to show the healing power of the craft of fly tying. To do this, Frog Hollow has offered GMPHWFF store front space to tie flies on Friday evenings 5-8pm and Saturday afternoons 12-3pm. Just like all PHWFF tying events we will be looking for one volunteer to work with 2 or3 Veterans during these times. Also during the display of fly fishing crafts, Mad River Distillery has offered to supply pours/samples for opening ceremonies of this display on Friday May 6th. We are hoping to build a space that fly fishing enthusiast can come together and do what fly fishing enthusiast do best, talk about gear, and tell fish stories. Also during closing ceremonies, Thursday, May 26th, 14th Star brewery will be offering pours and sample of their limited release beer, “Fly Fishing Saves Lives” brew. We will also be holding our raffle event on that day.
The month of May is a busy one for Project Healing Waters in Vermont, so we included a breakdown of the months events. Please let GMPHWFF know if you are able to volunteer or tie any of the dates below for leading a fly tying session or participating, at Frog Hollow store front.
You can contact them at