By Bruce Tyson
To close out another great year of helping disabled veterans in South Puget Sound, we held our end of year Potluck Dinner at the Puget Sound Fly Company to recognize their support of our Program over the last year.
Along with some great chow we held a raffle and gave away some neat fishing stuff to our participants and volunteers. The grand prize was an all expenses paid 12 day Alaska fly fishing float trip for one of our active participants. Other prizes were:
We took some time to recognize some of the memorable highlights of the year including our trips and some of the accomplishments of our crew – both volunteers and participants. The highlight of the year to me was Jim Boden, winning the Project Healing Waters Fly Fishing’s National Fly Tying Competition. Other highlights included sending several people on National Trips as well as one on an Ambassador Trip to Norway. To close the event, we addressed our January Steelhead trip, February’s 2020 Project Healing Water Fly Fishing Rod Building Competition, and all the other trips we have scheduled for the first six months.