Kerr Park & Kielbasa – Coatesville Project Healing Waters
Volunteer Matt Seymour checks in with a great update on the Coatesville, PA Project Healing Waters Fly Fishing program below:
The fish were safe but we reeked havoc on the picnic goodies.
The East Branch of the Brandywine was difficult to fish for vets who hadn’t tried a real live stream.
In frustration we mauled a wide variety of sausages (polish kielbasa, hot Itaian sausage, beer brats, 1/4 lb all beef hot dogs, Texas dogs, and vegetarian what-evers). Additionally the good wives of Project Healing Waters cooked up some homemade baked beans (Deb Klinger), kraut (Mary Clark), potato salad and apple cake (Joan Penry). Please note Jack M stayed up all night baking cookies, Ted N provided some veggie wraps and Maria added more desserts.
It takes a village to feed this crew.
Those who got discouraged on the stream were consoled by the rest of us who were munching our way through the table fare. Jim Dowd actually took time away from the bratwurst to give some casting lessons. Heroic.

Thanks Ted & Ken VG for the pics!
Last Chance To Make A Bid
Take a good look at the “Flies For Freedom” auction Items Project Healing Waters is presenting for the benefit of all 12 Pennsylvania Programs. Bidding closes tomorrow!
This Coming Week
- Regular tying and rod building meeting tomorrow night (Wednesday May 30) in bldg. 5 at CVAMC.
- Crappie Madness at Chambers Lake the following Wednesday , June 6th. Bus leaves CVAMC, Bldg. 5 at 5:30 :
If you can help mentor some vets at Chambers , please give Ken VanGilder a call (610-883-3748) and join us on 6/6! It’s great fun!
A Short Reflection on Memorial Day
Most of the veterans we serve at the Coatesville Veterans Administration Medical Center have lost comrades in battle. That loss contributes irrevocably to the PTSD our vets are dealing with. It can be a very difficult holiday for the living part of a partnership. We urge you to take a few moments to contemplate the sacrifice our dead soldiers made, but also the pain of their buddies. Help us when and how you can!