Slow Night at the Ranch, but Plenty of Good Vibes at Project Healing Waters CVAMC!
Matt Seymour of the Coatesville VAMC Program shares a summer fly tying update from this great program in our Pennsylvania Region
It summer, it’s hot but the beat goes on here in Coatesville.
We had two vets, two vet volunteers and three others of us at the tying tables.
The two vet volunteers, Sean Meers and Shaun Biederwolf are both vets who started as patients here with us. Sean M is with us nearly every week in Coatesville. And Shaun B (and his wonder dog, Max) come here from the Royersford PHW Program where’s he’s a valued leader. When vets like these two return as volunteers their presence allays our tendency to value headcount as the primary marker of success.
Sean Meers with Jack McFadden
Shaun Biederwolf
Mr. E Mastering the Griffith Gnat
The Braintrust
Ted Nawalinski keeps the books. Both the VA and Project Healing Waters require data about meeting participation & activities, publicity releases, invoices for Program expenditures, etc. Lots of work. Every week, all the time.
Teaching the Whip
When someone creates something this beautiful it requires attention. In giving this creation his attention the fly tyer is absorbed in the moment. These moments are the respite our veterans need so badly. Come help us share this gift with our participants. .