On September 8, the Murfreesboro program of PHWFF got an early start practicing for the casting contest that is held in the spring.
We set up the official course and reviewed the rules for those that attended. Volunteer Bob Mullins was in charge of the clinic and an excellent caster. He shared his skills with those that are new in the program as well as those who want to participate in the casting contest.
Marilyn Rogan PHWFF Murfreesboro Program Lead
Marilyn Rogan, the Program Lead for the Murfreesboro Program, said that the participants were excited to get a fly rod in their hands and learn the proper way to cast.
“The first ring wasn’t as hard as hitting those hula hoops that were farther away, but persistence paid off. The wind wasn’t any help either, but no one gave up as they realize it may be a windy day when they have to fly fish or the competition takes place. Such determination and perseverance was evident and no one gave up until time to leave,” Rogan said.
“It was a GREAT day!”
Regardless of the challenges, everyone left happy and excited to have learned new techniques. The outdoors, fresh air and sunshine lifted everyone’s spirits, but having time to renew acquaintances after being away for so long really lifted the spirits even more. Good-byes were said and “See you at the next event” were the departing words.
Rogan would like to thank Bob Mullins for his soft spoken manner and his patience is teaching fly casting.
“He definitely is a great volunteer who puts the veterans at ease when he is with them. Participants walk away smiling at how easy he makes it for them and his caring.”
Rogan said that their program is getting back to normal and she really appreciates all of the participants and volunteers who attend.