Volunteer Steve Caviasco led the PHWFF NYC team to a beautiful May day of fishing on Connecticut’s storied trout waters. He recounts the day below:
Connecticut is home to some fine trout waters including two famous rivers; the Housatonic, known for its big rainbows and browns and the Farmington, a tail-water that provides excellent trout fishing year round.
Our trip was planned for mid-May on the Housatonic. The “Housy”, as it known to local anglers, was un-fishable due to some thunder storms that raised the river and muddied the water. Lead guide Rob Nicholas of Housatonic Anglers has fished and guided clients on these waters for over 30 years. Based on his extensive experience of the water levels and the effects on fishing, Rob decided to move our group to the lower Farmington. This was the right choice as every angler hooked, played, and landed a fish.
Congratulations to Michael, on his first PHWFF trip, for landing multiple fish and at least one of each species (brook, brown, and rainbow). He out-fished the more experienced anglers and was the high hook for the day!
Thanks to our hosts at the Cornwall Inn, Stacey and Mark. Special thanks to our guides: Rob Nicholas, Bert Ouellette, Matt, and James Nicholas for their vigilance while navigating through some difficult white water and for making sure that everyone was safe and comfortable throughout the day.
Quote of the day goes to Rob Nicholas of Housatonic Anglers – “Everything seems easy when you’re well-prepared.”
Micheal with a Farmington River Brown
Stephanie with her first trout on the fly
Left to right: Yoel, Stephanie, George, Michael, Frankie, and Steve. Photographer: Ira