Dispatch from Frank W. Sospenzi, Deputy Regional Coordinator – Tennessee Valley
On Saturday, July 17, the River City and Jackson Tennessee Programs of Project Healing Waters Fly Fishing, Inc. held a joint fishing outing; their first since PHWFF started phase three of their engagement program. While both programs had weekly contact with their participants through virtual events, smiles were ear-to-ear as everyone met in person for the first time in over a year.
Marsha and Vince Marascuilo graciously opened their home again to allow us to fish on a private lake. Cloudy skies with no wind or rain produced perfect fly-fishing conditions and everyone caught a minimum of 20 fish each!
Hand-sized bluegills and largemouth bass kept the rods bent all morning. The only thing that beat the fishing was sitting around the table eating hot dogs and swapping stories. Everyone is looking forward to our next fishing outing in Jackson, TN in August!
-Frank W. Sospenzi, Deputy Regional Coordinator