“The Camp Lejeune/Richlands, NC program takes an annual fishing trip to the famed Penn’s Creek in central PA each year towards the end of April. This year was our seventh, and as with the last four years, it included 20-23 participants from the Richlands, Wilmington, and Fayetteville programs in NC. We are hosted by very special friends at Camp Woodward and are guided on Penn’s Creek by members of the Union County Sportsman’s Club as well as provided access to some special private waters in the area. Many highlights from the weekend come to mind, including participants catching their first fish, having their best fishing day ever, and participants catching fish on their hand built rods with their own hand tied flies. It is a trip that every participant looks forward to attending. Special thanks to the Union County Sportsman’s Club and Eric Hussar, the Regional PA Fish & Game Commissioner.” –Myron H. Beaty, PHWFF Program Lead Richands, NC