Syracuse, NY Program Lead Jim Green recounts the annual Salmon River steelhead event held this past November. The trip brought together participants from both our Northern NY and Southern NY Regions for a memorable weekend. Photos are courtesy of Jim Green and Jeff Gilka.
On a cold, windy Saturday with rain in the air, nine hardy PHWFF participants waded into New York’s Salmon River with their guides to hunt for steelhead trout. All had met the night before at the NYS DEC training facility barracks in Pulaski for some pizza, fly tying, introductions, and general information.
Every year the NYS DEC hosts PHWFF participants on the river for two days with at least one guide per participant. For many, this will be the first opportunity to catch an elusive steelhead.
All participants caught at least one steelhead on Saturday. After a dinner at the Pulaski American Legion, it was back to the barracks for a well-earned rest and then to the river on Sunday morning…and it was snowing! Several of the participants braved the weather to catch another steelhead.
This is an exciting opportunity to catch a large and gymnastic steelhead on New York’s famed Salmon River. Each participant is paired with a knowledgeable and helpful guide to help them catch a fish and navigate the river, with roving guides to further assist as necessary.
Huge thanks go out to the New York State DEC and Altmar Hatchery for once again hosting this great event and for providing lunch on Saturday/Sunday as well as lodging at the NYS DEC Barracks training facility, the Pulaski NY Ponderosa for the awesome breakfasts, the Pulaski American Legion for Saturday’s dinner, and all the guides for their extraordinary help with the participants.