PROJECT HEALING WATERS FLY FISHING, INC. (PHWFF) takes great pleasure in presenting the Club Excellence Award to Shasta Trinity Fly Fishers (STFF) for its partnership with the PHWFF Redding Program from 2012 to 2020. During this period, STFF provided excellence in outreach within their geographical area, fundraising support, PHWFF program services, volunteer recruitment and retention, program innovation, and increased community awareness for the PHWFF mission, vision, and core values.
PHWFF Redding’s community outreach, programs and interaction with local veterans provide an invaluable resource for its residents. Throughout this period, STFF provided a dedicated volunteer team to deliver the core program activities and the one-on-one physical and emotional support to help rehabilitate the program’s participants. Since its inception, STFF developed a robust program in conjunction with the local Department of Veterans Affairs Outpatient Clinic. They also promoted the program through local radio stations, social media, and local service organizations such as the Lions Club and the Rotary Club. With few exceptions, most of the original participants remain active in the program.
With numerous local fly fishing opportunities, the program offers an average of two outings per month to its participants. Volunteers assist with the weekly meetings by presenting classes on all aspects of fly fishing. Volunteers provide separate classes to teach casting, fly rod building, and fishing net construction. Additionally, the PHWFF Program offers fly tying instruction at the end of the weekly meetings with emphasis on different fly tying skills. Also, once a month, they provide a full fly-tying session. STFF implemented volunteer training that includes an on-line course in dealing with PTSD. The program’s volunteers donate an average of 2300 hours annually in support of PHWFF Redding.
PHWFF Redding also conducts a very successful annual fundraiser, “The Sundial Challenge.” In addition to raising money to fund its activities over the coming year, the Sundial Challenge encourages the public to meet and fly fish with the program’s participants. STFF accomplishes this by soliciting funding and in-kind donations to get up to twenty drift boats with professional guides on the Sacramento River. In addition to significant fundraising, this increases the PHWFF program’s awareness within the local community.
STFF is proud of its PHWFF program and their outreach to the local community. PHWFF is considered a valuable organization within the City of Redding. It was the high regard for the PHWFF group that led the City of Redding and many donors to provide the support required for the construction of a new STFF clubhouse on a parcel of land within the City’s Clover Creek Park, creating a home for both STFF and PHWFF and cementing the partnership that began eight years ago.
Project Healing Waters Fly Fishing, Inc. is proud to bestow on the Shasta Trinity Fly Fishers the Club Excellence Award for its tireless and extraordinary service to Project Healing Waters Fly Fishing, Inc. and to the disabled veterans whom this organization serves.