By Doug Myers
On 12 December 2019, at the Roseburg VMC Auditorium, the Umpqua Program, Northwest Region, Project Healing Waters Fly Fishing, held its End Of Year Review and Banquet.
The event was well attended with 58 people present which was extremely helpful as I also use this occasion to provide our members a survey to get feedback on the year’s plan of events. Dinner was provided by Loggers Tap House, a veteran owned business here in Roseburg, OR. During dinner we ran a continual loop of the year’s events with short videos and pictures for everyone to enjoy. Of course, there’s a healthy dose of conversation and big fish stories!
After dinner events consisted recognizing members who attended national destination trips and have them tell us about their experience. We then did a formal review of the 2019 events and recognized participants & volunteers with service awards & pins. Finally, we held a free raffle giving away some neat fishing stuff graciously donated by local businesses and some hand crafted items by Program members.
Highlights were when our volunteers presented handcrafted cooking aprons and hats to David Hatch, Sonny Binder, and Jay Carlson. These three provided us with some great meals throughout the year no matter what location or weather. The most memorable (for me) and unexpected was when participants and volunteers presented me a guided Steelhead trip on the North Umpqua River. This was their way of thanking me for all the hours I spent in 2019, helping them heal and ensure they had enjoyable memories to replace the painful ones. To say I was taken back by their generosity is an understatement. Thank you very much!
To close the event, I collected all the surveys which I’ll organize and present to our planning committee, Jan 2020.
Lastly, I want to thank the people & businesses of Roseburg, OR, who supported us in 2019, and everyone in the Umpqua Program. It was your support, commitment, and team work that made it possible for us to expand our program by 50%, and made everyone feel needed, appreciated, welcomed, and ready to pitch-in and give back to their brethren.