A new film, 30Reasons, follows a quadriplegic in his attempt to fulfill his one, and possibly most important, dream left – a seemingly impossible mission to travel the world and catch his personal 30 not yet caught species on fly.
At the root of our cause is that the sport of fly fishing holds many therapeutic benefits — encompassing the physical, mental, and emotional. Fly fishing usually happens in beautiful places — places where nature can soothe and nurture, and most importantly instill hope. As John Buchan once remarked, “The charm of fishing is that it is the pursuit of what is elusive but attainable, a perpetual series of occasions for hope.” In addition to the natural methods of relaxation and restoration offered by fly-fishing, the sport also requires dexterity, keen eye-hand coordination, and intense concentration—challenging for even able-bodied anglers, much less those adjusting and adapting to their new abilities. But through these challenges come opportunities to learn, adapt, and evolve through this fun, challenging sport — offering a rehabilitative outlet outside the traditional physical therapy room. Fly fishing restores hope and offers many the chance to both physically and emotionally rehabilitate and recover.
The therapeutic properties of fly fishing are at work through our Program, with organizations like Casting for Recovery, and among countless people throughout the world. The great short trailer for 30Reasons is inspring and shows how fly fishing, determination and hope can combine to fuel a passion, a challenge, and an adventure. We wish Martin our best in his exciting quest!.