Righty Tightlines returned to the Willoughby Program after his adventure with Ben Tutt in Montauk State Park in Missouri and got ready for his next adventure.
RT packed his bags and headed West to Colorado where he met Richard Surette through PHWFF Program Manager and Eagle, CO Program Lead Katherine Ruark.
“Dick showed me his favorite fishing spot near his house, and we also stopped to fish at Black Lake,” Tightlines said.
After touring around Surette’s stomping grounds, RT and his host returned to the house to tie some flies and play “Go Fish”.
RT was sent home full of memories of the Rocky Mountains, and geared up to head to the Project Healing Waters Fly Fishing, Inc. Headquarters.
With how busy HQ can get, RT unfortunately took a long nap under a pile of paperwork (stayed warm though!) and then finally headed home to await his trips to Roanoke, Anchorage, and British Columbia, just to name a few.
Stay tuned for his next adventures!