On Tuesday, November 2, the Des Moines PHWFF Program held their first in-person fly-tying event in what seems like ages, and also at a new location.
“It was great to get back together with the others in a face-to-face encounter,” Des Moines Program Lead Dale Sanders said. “The meeting place (Paralyzed Veterans of America) Iowa Chapter, was new to all of us and we had fun exploring it.”
One of the participants, Jeff, took third place in the annual PHWFF Fly-Tying Competition a couple of years ago, with his Fishy Fullum’s DKW Fly.
“We have recently been using that fly to fish bluegills,” Sanders said. “They really wanted a floating fly, and not a sinking one, so we used the class to modify the DKW.”
The participants and volunteers used kapok from a life preserver for dubbing, a dry fly hackle and a dry fly hook.
“Success! Our testing showed that it floated like, well, a PFD!” Sanders exclaimed.
We had one participant attend. I have always said we will do this for any veteran, even just ONE. We did. Although we didn’t have a large group, the spirit of PHWFF was present and we had great time.
PHWFF Des Moines Program lead dale sanders
Sanders would like to thank Jeff Cook, for always being there for the program and for hooking the program up with PVA space to use.
To learn more about Jay “Fishy” Fullum please visit here
To learn more about the Des Moines Program of PHWFF please visit www.projecthealingwaters.org/programs/locations/