× Sweepstakes truck wide shot

PHW COS SOC.MD.2025 | Tuesday Night Doublehaul

We are excited to invite you to the Tuesday Night Doublehaul Social event! This casual get together will be held every other week at the COS PHW office from 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm. Hang out with other PHW Fly Fishers and tie flies, watch videos, tell stories, or just have a cup of coffee.

Class Time: 6:00 pm through 8:00 pm

Registration is not required.  If you want to tie flies, please bring your own materials.

If you have questions, feel free to reach out to:

Rob Gann – (225) 202-3334 (cell) or rgwookie@att.net (email)

Ken Willard – (719) 231-5606 (cell) or ken.willard@projecthealingwaters.org (email)

  • No registration is necessary for this event! Just show up!

  • You will also be able to connect with other veterans and service members in a supportive and friendly environment.