Mossy Creek Fly Fishing receives The Patriot Award for their extraordinary service
Project Healing Waters Fly Fishing (PHWFF) takes great pleasure in presenting the Patriot Award to Mossy Creek Fly Fishing, and its owners, the Trow brothers, for sustained extraordinary service from 2006 to 2017. The incomparable support afforded to PHWFF over the past 11 years includes many outstanding examples of successful participation and fundraising. Underlying the incredible services provided by this organization, led by the Trow Brothers, is the unrivaled dedication that all in their shop have demonstrated in helping PHWFF fulfill its mission – everyone – the Trow Brothers, shop staff, their guides, and associated family members. What follows highlights the breadth of support the Trow Brothers, and Mossy Creek Fly Fishing, have made in benefiting our Project:
- Support of the Mossy Creek Invitational every year has been critical to the event’s unparalleled success, donating at least $4,000 in guiding every year, since 2008, and helping to raise $1.5 million on its behalf. The energy and enthusiasm of brothers Colby and Brian, and their entire staff, are signal in creating the remarkable healing environment of this tournament.
- Since organizing an early PHWFF outing in 2007, the brothers, assisted by their guide staff, have hosted outings for our participants and donated private waters for the use of Virginia PHWFF programs. In addition to providing guide service at the 2-Fly Tournament for three years, Mossy Creek Fly Fishing has sponsored fishing, fly tying, and other activities for local, regional, and national PHWFF groups.
- Hosted six Fly Fishing Film Tours to benefit PHWFF, raising $20,000 through raffle contributions, as well as donating thousands of dollars in cash and fish stockings for other PHWFF outings, and has taken the lead in promoting PHWFF’s Healing Saturday, a nationwide fundraising event held in cooperation with local fly shops.
- Cultivated relationships with major corporations and individuals, such as Microsoft, Toyota USA, Golden Corral, and others, to benefit PHWFF, both locally and nationally.
- Is a hub for signing up PHWFF participants and volunteers in the Virginia area, as well as for donations and program fly tying sessions. The shop donates hundreds of flies every year for various activities and events.
- Is a major contributor to the Legends of the Fly fundraising event, as well as Legends of the Fly Fishing Tournament, to benefit PHWFF.
In addition, Brian Trow has been an active member of the PHWFF Board of Trustees for three years and authored and taught the casting curriculum for the first volunteer certification course. Brother Colby, as a Board Member for the American Fly Fishing Trade Association (AFFTA), continues to advocate for the mission of PHWFF and its contributions to the fly fishing industry.
The Board of Trustees of Project Healing Waters Fly Fishing, Inc., is proud to bestow the Patriot Award to Mossy Creek Fly Fishing, and the Trow Brothers, for tireless and extraordinary service to PHWFF and to those wounded warriors and disabled veterans whom this organization serves. The Trows and their organization have not only met, but have far exceeded, the highest standard of this award.

The Mossy Creek Fly Fishing Crew. They have generously donated their time and talents for the past 10 years